Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I'm back home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG, I miss my bed soooooooo much!
And I miss TV, and I miss the internet.....................

And of course.... I MISS MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss you so much, I don't even know what am i supposed to write....
I'm gonna watch the replay of AC MILAN's Champions League Final match, where they WON.... So I'm gonna post later la... Have loadsa things to talk bout...


Saturday, May 12, 2007


See the first pic! Play hide & seek, ha.....

The second... Walau, eh....That's the evil kaka...

The childish kaka and the evil kaka.

Matriks. In a couple of hours, I will be kissing my home bye-bye and heading To KK. OMG, i can't believe I'm finally leaving home today... Weird lah, I have always wanted to get away from this house as soon as possible. And now I'm able to do that, but I feel dreadful about going. And today's Mother's Day, to make things worst. :sigh: I dunno if I will ever get to post smtg on my blog daily... I hope so lah. But I can't wait to go to KK lah, I've never been there... Hmm, I already prepare everything. Packing, done it too... Oh yeah, I haven't pack up my toilleteries. later lah... haiyo, I don't feel like going...

Last night.... I stayed awake until 3.45am!!! I was online, chatting with my best pen-pal, Atim on msn. And drooling over Kaka... I only got a 4 hour sleep, you know. (my dad just told me that we're going to airport at 2pm...) Anyway, I wanted to use the internet to my heart's content (lol, is there a sentence like that???), as if the world's gonna end tommorow. well, my comfortable and luxurious life will end today. I'm gonna see myself washing my own clothes and ironing my own clothes starting tommorow, something I never did in my whole life... except ironing lah, if I'm not lazy... Atim's going to matriks too, in Johor. in Tangkak. but she's going tommorow morning, and she got time to watch AC Milan play tonight. I don't... The game against Fiorentina was my LAST ever AC Milan match. Itu pun I watched the first half saje..After kaka missed penalty, urgh... No mood to watch anymore. And I hated the fact that I won't be able to watch the Champions League Finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, time;s ticking fast-lah... I think I'll stop here. I'm thinking bout matriks je..... And my eyes scolded me for not giving them enough rest... Think I need to rest for a while... I'm sorry if I can't post anything for about a month or so. I'm gonna be very busy adjusting to my new life. OK lah, see you someday!!! Soo nervous lah.......

Ciao friends. Wish me luck!

OMG!!!! I love this pic!!!!!!!!! He's sooooo cute!!!!!

look at his smile...

look at his eyes...

God, thank You for creating such a perfect man... But why can't I have him?????????


Matriculation. haiyo... Tommorow's going to matriks... My flight is at 3.45pm, Kuching-KK. I feel dread lah, about going. because tommorow's Mother's Day, and I'm gonna leave my mom on that day... And worst, the very next day, the 14th, is her birthday!!! I cannot stop feeling soooo gulty about this lah. besides, I won't be able to celebrate Gawai too... How come this KML ppl have such a bad timing....

What I'm going to miss? My family. I'm gonna miss my parents and my younger brother, even when he's such an annoying brother... I can't believe I'm going away already. This is not a... a... school trip or school camping lah. Starting from tommorow, I will have to live by myself. Matriks, then go to university also I have to live by myself. Then, when I graduated, find a job, live by myself...OMG. Gonna miss my friends too, especially my girlfriends! I will forver cherish our memories... So sad... I'm gonna miss the girls at the forums of Kaka 22 so much! especially the malysian contigent there!!! led by me & Atim...LOL... i really will miss Atim... :sad: I'm gonna miss internet too. I won't be able to do my signature for the forums, looks like it... NO TIME... I'm gonna miss my collection of kaka pictures too. Hopefully my parents don't delete it from the comp...

How to do??? I'm gonna find out how am I supposed to download a song into my blog. You know what I mean? Like, an mp3 file or something... I dunno. I got a vid of kaka speaking eng, but i want to have a song played in my blog too. I'll figure out later lah...

OKlah, that's all for now. later I update some more...


Friday, May 11, 2007

Thank You, Jesus!!! ~Kaka

See what I mean?????
kaka is like, the most IDEAL guy in the Whole Wide World!!!! I want to have him!!!!!! BADLY!!!!This pic was during the Milan-MU match, and Milan won 3-0. Kaka scored Milan's first goal...

Enuff bout Kaka... Kinda crazy... cos it's like 4am here. I'm used to it actually. I always sneaked out just to chat with my intenational friends and go to the best forum in my heart.... Anyway, want to talk bout matriks. Yesterday I went to school (first time since i took my spm result) yo see the school staff and asked them cop all the required cerificates I needed for matriculation. I got Mdm Magdalene to do it, and itwas knida scary because I'm scared of that teacher... LOL. Then I went to the tailor to pick my baju kurung. I made 6 baju kurungs for class. And later today, I will be going shopping again, this time to buy all the nessecary itemslah, like Colgate and stationaries, etc... Honestly, I dunno how much I spent for this matriks. And my bag, the baggage (or is it called a luggage???) is hust soooooooooooo huge I can fit myself in it! LOL!! And it's from Swiss Polo.... *pokai-lah my parents...* I'm feeling dread lah, about going... But I'm happy to be meeting my frienda again... I'm not sure if I'm gonna make some instant new friends cos I'm very shy. It's kinda hard for me to open my mouth and talk to strangers... Even to my own relatives lah, like if they asked me questions, I usually let my parents answered them for me. extreme shyness??? Dunno- lah...
Anyways, I was reading the rules and regulations of the matriculation which I'll be going to, and it sounded VERY strict. Like, you can't wear a tee or a shirt without collar, cannot wear sandals to class (have to be BLACK leather/pvc covered shoes...), and cannot wear PANTS to class.... ??? ... But I don't want to say anything-lah, because I have no authorities to be against the rules that had been made. I have to respect and follow it. Besides, it teaches one self some discipline...which is good....

NO CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINALS!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's one thing that TOTALLY angers me, and make me really sad, I wouldn't be able to watch the finals between Milan and Liverpool!!! i have been waiting for this moment ALLLL my life (vangeance at Liverpoo...LOL) and I'm gonna miss it!!!!!!! Me, Atim and Kucai really wants to watch it but......... I don't think the matriks ppl will allow one to watch tv at 3am. But Atim said she's gonna rebel, I'm not sure if I dare enough. But if I really cannot watch, i'll watch the highlights on the internet lah, have to be satisfied like that... But I won't give up my hopes... Who knows that I'll able to sneak out and watch it..... I hope my love Kaka will score a hat-trick so he'll be the all-time CL top-scorer...

FIFA WORLD PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2007??? Everyone's saying that Kaka is the best player in the world. To me, he's the best since I met him... But proffesionally, I dunno. I mean, for the past 2 years, in the early season he was regarded as the best player in the world, but t the end of the season, the honour was given to someone elde... But i'm really positive that he can win this year. I mean, he led Milan to the Finals of CL, he is the competition's top-scorer, and his overall performances for both Milan & Brazil (i think he is the most in-form player in the Selecao for the past 2 years, and if I'm not mistake, their top-scorer too, or something...), so I'm so sure he could win it. Finally it's his year. God really does shine on him... I'm happy!

OKlah, that's all. Later I post more things and pics of Kaka... hehehe...
~Relax, take it easy............ For there is nothing that we can do.......~MIKA

Fab kaka with glasses pics!!!!! Well, cos now I wear glasses....

Some pics of Kaka in glasses. Don't you think he looks HOT even in glasses? OMG, I'm totally in love with this guy!!!!! he just drives me NUTS!! The 2nd pic here (with Juninho), I saw from 1 blog. Love it soo much, I...erm, took it. Hehehe, I hope the owner of the flog doesn't mind...

The last pic, LOOK at that SMILE....


*lis22 just dropped dead...

second post...

OMG, I'm TOTALLY in love with this man... These pics were taken after the Milan-MU match. And, Milan won!
Some of you may know that I'm a sport's freak, especially with F1. Remember the Kimi craze???
LOL, Anyway, I met this cute boy from Sao Paolo in late 2004. I first saw him in a newspaper (which stated he plays for INTERNAZIONALE....) and of course, I was immediately star-struck... then, I came to know more bout him, OMG, he's like, the most perfect man I've ever known... Humble, Gentleman, Religious, Educated, he has alll the features of a man that i want. seriously, I don't know if I will ever find any guy like him... He Lives for Jesus...Do you? He's also a virgin!!!LOL, Until that day he got married.........

Matriculation Ok, I'm going to Labuan this Sunday. and I'm feeling VERY nervous about it. I never leave my family before. Never being independant...LOL, I'm very the anak manja type... It's gonna be REAL tough... Cos i'm going this Sun, which is Mother's Day and then the next day will be my mom's birthday. I felt sad and guilty leaving her & my family on these 2 VERY important days. I don't want to go..... I asked myself, which is more important? Education or Family??? For the sake of my education (and future), I'm leaving my mom on the most important days of her lives, as a mother and as a person... OK, I know I sounded erm... selfish... but, that's true. Thee thoughts are in my mind alllll the time these days...Who knows, in the future I might put career over family, thus, repeating the mistake I did years before that...

My Glasses...LOL Haha, I finally made my glasses, you know! I won't tell you how much the degree is, but...they're pretty high!!! LOL!!! Ok, but it's not that I'm blur if I don't use them, I can still see clearly. but now with my glasss, I can finally see things from far!!! Yeah.. It made my life easier after years of struggle.... LOL!! I went to see the eye specialist for like 4 times already. I felt dread going to the clinic, but hey, i should be lucky that an eye specialist is helping me. I should be blessed that finally someone can help with my sight problem (as if I'm really blind...). Ok, the trip was worth it, and I'm happy! I really like my glasses. No, it's no branded type (no way i can afford an emporio armani glasses!!!), but the colour, OMG, love it! Red & Black... Familiar? No, not MU, but AC MILAN!!!

AC MILAN... I have nothing else to talk about... So I want to babble bout AC Milan lah. their game against MU was a thriller!!! OMG, I prayed hard for AC Milan to win, and they did!!!!! OMG, God hath heard thy prayers...LOL, is it correct, my classical english??? LOL... But really, He had answred my prayers. I prayed every night before I go to bed. Trying to read the Bible every night/as often as I can... I'm not trying to show off or anything, but I'm just telling the truth. I'm being honest. I belive in this- Pray Until Something Happens. if you pray hard enough, earnestly, show your humbleness in font of our Holy Father, commit your sins, and most importantly, admit your faith and Believe that Jesus is our Messiah, nothing is impossible. NOTHING.

Oh ya, my friends... GOSH, you don't know how much I miss them!!!! I miss my gang of friends, especially my bestest friend, Wendy... I MISS HER..... 5 months of isolation from the outside world.... Oh God, I've never felt sooo lonely lah. No one to talk to. I'm knda glad-lah, that school term is coming, but NO WENDY..... I want to cry liaw...

That's all lah. I'm going to post more pics of Kaka for your viewing pleasure!!!

Don't forget to watch the video of Kaka speaking English on the top right of the screen!!!!! Learning it in a year and a half... AMAZING!!! C.Roonie had been staying in UK for like, what? 3 years? And his english still SUCK!!!!! KAKA IS SIMPLY THE BEST!!!!!