Saturday, May 12, 2007


See the first pic! Play hide & seek, ha.....

The second... Walau, eh....That's the evil kaka...

The childish kaka and the evil kaka.

Matriks. In a couple of hours, I will be kissing my home bye-bye and heading To KK. OMG, i can't believe I'm finally leaving home today... Weird lah, I have always wanted to get away from this house as soon as possible. And now I'm able to do that, but I feel dreadful about going. And today's Mother's Day, to make things worst. :sigh: I dunno if I will ever get to post smtg on my blog daily... I hope so lah. But I can't wait to go to KK lah, I've never been there... Hmm, I already prepare everything. Packing, done it too... Oh yeah, I haven't pack up my toilleteries. later lah... haiyo, I don't feel like going...

Last night.... I stayed awake until 3.45am!!! I was online, chatting with my best pen-pal, Atim on msn. And drooling over Kaka... I only got a 4 hour sleep, you know. (my dad just told me that we're going to airport at 2pm...) Anyway, I wanted to use the internet to my heart's content (lol, is there a sentence like that???), as if the world's gonna end tommorow. well, my comfortable and luxurious life will end today. I'm gonna see myself washing my own clothes and ironing my own clothes starting tommorow, something I never did in my whole life... except ironing lah, if I'm not lazy... Atim's going to matriks too, in Johor. in Tangkak. but she's going tommorow morning, and she got time to watch AC Milan play tonight. I don't... The game against Fiorentina was my LAST ever AC Milan match. Itu pun I watched the first half saje..After kaka missed penalty, urgh... No mood to watch anymore. And I hated the fact that I won't be able to watch the Champions League Finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, time;s ticking fast-lah... I think I'll stop here. I'm thinking bout matriks je..... And my eyes scolded me for not giving them enough rest... Think I need to rest for a while... I'm sorry if I can't post anything for about a month or so. I'm gonna be very busy adjusting to my new life. OK lah, see you someday!!! Soo nervous lah.......

Ciao friends. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

hey there..
well i really dunno what to say rite now...
just wanna say that i'm gonna miss you so much..
no one will ever ask me "ada cerita?" or would listen to my jokes again..
anyway wish u all the best n good luck sistah!!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm adding you to my friends list!