Saturday, May 12, 2007

OMG!!!! I love this pic!!!!!!!!! He's sooooo cute!!!!!

look at his smile...

look at his eyes...

God, thank You for creating such a perfect man... But why can't I have him?????????


Matriculation. haiyo... Tommorow's going to matriks... My flight is at 3.45pm, Kuching-KK. I feel dread lah, about going. because tommorow's Mother's Day, and I'm gonna leave my mom on that day... And worst, the very next day, the 14th, is her birthday!!! I cannot stop feeling soooo gulty about this lah. besides, I won't be able to celebrate Gawai too... How come this KML ppl have such a bad timing....

What I'm going to miss? My family. I'm gonna miss my parents and my younger brother, even when he's such an annoying brother... I can't believe I'm going away already. This is not a... a... school trip or school camping lah. Starting from tommorow, I will have to live by myself. Matriks, then go to university also I have to live by myself. Then, when I graduated, find a job, live by myself...OMG. Gonna miss my friends too, especially my girlfriends! I will forver cherish our memories... So sad... I'm gonna miss the girls at the forums of Kaka 22 so much! especially the malysian contigent there!!! led by me & Atim...LOL... i really will miss Atim... :sad: I'm gonna miss internet too. I won't be able to do my signature for the forums, looks like it... NO TIME... I'm gonna miss my collection of kaka pictures too. Hopefully my parents don't delete it from the comp...

How to do??? I'm gonna find out how am I supposed to download a song into my blog. You know what I mean? Like, an mp3 file or something... I dunno. I got a vid of kaka speaking eng, but i want to have a song played in my blog too. I'll figure out later lah...

OKlah, that's all for now. later I update some more...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.