Thursday, May 10, 2007


YES!!! My first blog!!!!
I've been dying to have my first blog, now i finally have it!!! BELLISIMO...
To everybody viewing my blog, WELCOME....

I have been trying soooo hard to think of a suitable blog name, not to mention, which blog service would I like to use.... It was a PAIN... So i figured out that blogger is the best... HAHAHA... But how come this blog offers no smiley???? I'll try to sort that out later...

Hmm, about my blog's name. Let's see... 22 is my favourite number, because I was born on the 22nd, just like KAKA... My FAVOURITE footballer...... He even uses that num at the back of his Milan jersey, if any of you watches serie A, <3
Meanwhile, The Ramblings, i got that from my favourite story book called Septimus Heap: Magyk. I LOVE that book. A bit like Harry Potter, but to me, SH is much more funny. And, it's a children's book.... hahaha. Wanna know more, go to .

I don't have much to say now, just introduction of my blog. I'll babble more about my love for Kaka and my preparations for matriculation later on...(omg, I'm soo nervous bout it...)
So, please whenever you visit me blog, please post your comments... I'll try to update my blog everyday... And I'll try to post some pics too, especially pics from matriculation... But that will be in a few month's time. HoHo...(LOL)

...Love love me, love love me...~MIKA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's up?
byk btl gmbar kaka...
you're wearing spec now?
saya x guna lah...biar la rabun...x, welcome to my friendster page anytime...k?